Final Draft

CalConnect Standard

CC/FDS 10010:2019
ISO/CalConnect Partner Standards Development Organization (PSDO) Cooperation Agreement
CalConnect Standard
Final Draft
Warning for Drafts

This document is not a CalConnect Standard. It is distributed for review and comment, and is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as a Standard. Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.




The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium (“CalConnect”) is a global non-profit organization that pursues the wide availability of truly interoperable collaboration systems and applications through the use of open standards. CalConnect works closely with liaison partners and international standard organizations including ISO, OASIS and M3AAWG.

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.

This document was prepared by the Joint Coordination Group of ISO and CalConnect.

This is the first edition of this document.



The purpose of this document is to establish an understanding between ISO and CalConnect on cooperation on standards development.

This document formalizes the process of collaboration of ISO and CalConnect to cooperate and to enable the collaborative development of standards.

The resulting standards are to be jointly published by ISO and CalConnect as “ISO/CalConnect Standards”, according to processes described in this document.


One of the objectives of ISO is to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services through the development of International Standards.

The ISO Council has adopted a policy of inclusiveness and encourages cooperation between ISO and other standardizing bodies, where such cooperation would serve to ensure effective and efficient use of resources available for standardization activities.

CalConnect aims to facilitate interoperability of collaborative technologies with open standards, in particular on calendar, scheduling, and contacts; its standards are globally recognized and widely applied.


ISO and CalConnect agree to the principles of cooperation described in this document, in all fields subject to approval by the ISO TMB and the CalConnect TC PUBLISH and TCC.

Process cooperation

ISO and CalConnect wish to avoid duplication of efforts by their respective committees.

ISO produces International Standards in accordance with processes described in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement and ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, with the standard documents drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

CalConnect creates publicly available CalConnect Standards through a consensus-based standardization process described in CC/DIR 10001, and standard documents created in accordance with CC/DIR 10002.

Both ISO and CalConnect believe that cooperation at the standards development process level provides the following benefits:

  • maximizes the deliverable expertise of their experts; and

  • maximizes the quality of the resulting International Standard.

This agreement facilitates a collaborative development process for the creation of joint publications (ISO/CalConnect Standards) between ISO and CalConnect.

ISO/CalConnect Partner Standards Development Organization (PSDO) Cooperation Agreement

1.  Scope

This document describes the agreement between CalConnect and ISO for the cooperation of standards development and publication.

Specifically, it provides the principles and necessary processes for these collaborative cases between ISO and CalConnect (“Parties”):

Standardization processes in this document is intended to align with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, CC/DIR 10001 and CC/DIR 10002.

2.  Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, Standardization and related activities — General vocabulary

CC/DIR 10001, CalConnect Directive: Standardization and publication

CC/DIR 10002, CalConnect Directive: Standard document requirements

ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, Procedures specific to ISO

ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Procedures for the technical work

ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Principles and rules for the structure and drafting of ISO and IEC documents

3.  Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004 and the following apply.

3.1. Terms and definitions


ISO members

ISO member bodies and correspondent members


CalConnect members

CalConnect member bodies


ISO committee


ISO Technical Committee (including ISO/IEC JTC1) or Subcommittee


CalConnect technical committee

CalConnect TC

internal committee of CalConnect tasked with a scope of work it is responsible for


standardization project

an organized process with one or more standardization work items that contributes towards a defined scope of work


standardization work item

publishable work item that creates output that relates to standardization within a standardization project (Clause 3.1.5)


project owner

entity with authority in charge of a standardization project (Clause 3.1.5)



written output of a work item


CalConnect deliverable

document (Clause 3.1.8) produced by a CalConnect TC (Clause 3.1.4) as described in CC/DIR 10001

Note 1 to entry: According to CC/DIR 10001, CalConnect deliverables include the following types: CalConnect Standard, Guide, Specification, Report and Directives. Directives are not considered a standardization work item.


ISO TC deliverable

document (Clause 3.1.8) produced by an ISO TC (Clause 3.1.3) as described in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1

Note 1 to entry: According to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, ISO TC deliverables include the following types: International Standards, Technical Specifications, Publicly Available Specifications and Technical Reports.


document stage

stage of document as specified in the ISO harmonized stages (as defined in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement)


standardization project output

output of a standardization project (Clause 3.1.5)

Note 1 to entry: In this document, it explicitly means any documents and IP rights produced by the standardization project.


proposal for standardization

proposal for a new work item for standardization



act of developing a work item by multiple parties from the proposal stage



act of publishing documents (Clause 3.1.8) of identical content by multiple parties


joint work item

work item co-developed (Clause 3.1.14) by both parties


joint deliverable

completed form of a joint work item that is designated to be co-published (Clause 3.1.15) by ISO and CalConnect


joint publication

publication that is co-published (Clause 3.1.15) by ISO and CalConnect

Note 1 to entry: Different publishers of a joint publication may utilize a different document layout.


Joint Coordination Group


advisory group with representatives from ISO and CalConnect on the execution and maintenance of this agreement


joint project group


group created to be project owner (Clause 3.1.7) of a joint work item (Clause 3.1.16), composed of participants from ISO committees (Clause 3.1.3) and CalConnect TCs (Clause 3.1.4)


joint maintenance group


joint project group (Clause 3.1.20) for the sole purpose of maintaining a joint publication (Clause 3.1.18)


co-development document register

document register of a list of co-developed (Clause 3.1.14) documents (Clause 3.1.8) developed under this agreement, held by the Joint Coordination Group (Clause 3.1.19)

3.2. Abbreviations


Intellectual Property Rights


CalConnect Technical Coordination Committee


ISO Technical Management Board

4.  Principles of cooperation

4.1. Collaborative development process

A collaborative development process is crucial to effective development of work items between ISO and CalConnect.

Both organizations agree to align appropriate internal processes and procedures in order to facilitate joint development of work items.

Three mechanisms are provided below for cooperative development of joint publications between ISO and CalConnect, namely:

  1. CalConnect contributes content to ISO;

  2. ISO and CalConnect co-develop a joint deliverable;

  3. Adoption of an existing standard from either party.

4.2. Central coordination group

ISO and CalConnect agree to the establishment of a joint coordination group (JCG) to coordinate matters relevant to the execution and maintenance of this agreement.

4.3. Across subject fields

ISO and CalConnect agree that this agreement applies to all subject fields subject to approval by both parties.

Details of implementation are provided in Clause 5.4.

4.4. Normative referencing

ISO and CalConnect agree to the normative referencing of their standards as appropriate in publications of the other organization in compliance with each organization’s policies and directives relative to normative references.

Implementation details are provided in Appendix A.1.

4.5. Patent policy

ISO and CalConnect agree that content of joint deliverables, including the ISO published form of joint publications, will remain free of IPR restrictions that would limit their application.

Patented content in a joint deliverable is governed by the ISO patent policy and the CalConnect IPR policy.

Any patents involved knowingly in the document shall be made transparent prior to the DIS stage of the joint deliverable.

4.6. Contributions to ISO standards

ISO International Standards are normally developed within ISO Committees. As part of this normal development process, an ISO committee may determine that specific elements of an CalConnect standard (e.g. figures, data, definitions), along with information from other sources, would contribute to the development of an ISO Standard.

As specified in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, original material contributed to become part of an ISO publication is normally copied and distributed within the ISO system as part of the consensus-building process, this being without prejudice to the rights of the original copyright owner to exploit the original text.

It is also recognized that, where such material is already subject to copyright, rights have to be granted to ISO to reproduce and circulate the material.

As part of this agreement, CalConnect grants a licence to ISO described in Appendix A.2 for using elements of a CalConnect standard in the development of joint publications.

4.7. Co-development of standards

In cases where CalConnect has developed a standard, or where CalConnect is proposing or developing a standard (yet unpublished), which corresponds to a stated ISO TC need covered by this agreement.

In these instances, the relevant ISO TC and CalConnect TC may agree that it would be mutually beneficial to develop work jointly.

ISO and CalConnect agree to a coordinated and specified process for the co-development of joint publications.

The detailed process and procedures are provided in Appendix C; copyright of the resulting deliverables is explained in Appendix A.3.2.

4.8. Adoption of existing standards

4.8.1. General

ISO and CalConnect agree to a coordinated and specified process for the adoption of either party’s standardization work items, where:

  • CalConnect may wish to formally adopt a published ISO International Standard;

  • CalConnect may propose that an existing CalConnect standard be submitted as a final draft International Standard (FDIS) at ISO.

Copyright of joint publications created through adoption is explained in Appendix A.3.1.

4.8.2. Adoption of an ISO Standard by CalConnect

CalConnect may wish to formally adopt a published ISO International Standard.

In this case, the source party is ISO and the adopting party is CalConnect.

The method of adoption is specified in Appendix D.2.

4.8.3. Adoption of a CalConnect Standard by ISO

A published CalConnect standard with global use and acceptance may be proposed for adoption as an ISO International Standard, through the FDIS fast-track procedure of submitting a CalConnect standard to ISO.

In this case, the source party is CalConnect and the adopting party is ISO.

The method of adoption is detailed in Appendix D.3.

4.9. Maintenance of joint publications

Maintenance of joint publications shall be a joint responsibility under a joint process.

Details of the implementation of this clause is described in Appendix E.

In joint publications where a maintenance agency or registration authority is necessary, CalConnect agrees to serve as the default volunteer, as described in Appendix E.7.

4.10. Mutual recognition and joint deliverables requirements

ISO and CalConnect shall establish rules to ensure the collaborative effort by both parties are mutually recognized within joint deliverables.

The associated requirements are provided in Appendix F.

4.11. Promotional activities

ISO and CalConnect agree to share and coordinate promotional activities for the joint publication via the JCG.

5.  Joint Coordination Group

5.1. General

ISO and CalConnect agrees to establish a standing body, the Joint Coordination Group (“JCG”), for:

  • maintenance and execution of this agreement; and

  • coordination and maintenance of procedures between two organizations.

5.2. Mediator for coordination issues

This group meets as necessary and serves as the forum for discussing and resolving issues relating to coordination that may arise from time to time.

5.3. Coordination role

The JCG will support the individual liaisons between ISO Technical Committee working groups and project teams, with CalConnect technical committees.

The presence of the JCG is not intended to affect responsibilities of existing organizational structures in ISO and CalConnect.

5.4. Fields of collaboration

The JCG is responsible with the determination of the subject fields of which this agreement applies to, subject to approval by the ISO Technical Management Board and the CalConnect TC PUBLISH and TCC.

5.5. Members

The JCG is composed of an equal number of representatives from both parties:

  • Two representatives from ISO

  • Two representatives from CalConnect

6.  Amendments to this agreement

ISO and CalConnect agree that changes to this agreement shall be first proposed through the JCG, and formalized by a resolution from one party to the other.

Appendix A
Publication, copyright and commercial arrangements

A.2. CalConnect content license for joint development

In the development, review and adoption process, ISO members are free to copy and distribute the relevant CalConnect documents for standards development purposes and in accordance with ISO policies for the circulation of draft standards and working documents.

CalConnect grants ISO a world-wide, non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable license (except for national body adoption), to use contents of CalConnect submitted documents to ISO, within the development, review and adoption process of the deliverables under this agreement.

A.4. Re-publishing

ISO and CalConnect agree that any re-publishing of content developed under this agreement, such as the national adoption of a joint publication by an ISO member body, or the re-publishing of a joint publication by another organization, will adhere to this agreement.

Publishing arrangements between ISO and ISO member countries are unchanged by this agreement.

A.5. Statement indicating source

ISO and CalConnect agree that the resulting publication created with the joint deliverable will contain a suitable statement that describes the base standard the joint deliverable was derived from.

A.6. Notification of right infringement

Each party shall promptly inform the other party if it becomes aware of any copyright infringement or potential infringement of a joint publication.

CalConnect and ISO shall consult with each other to decide the best way to respond to such infringement.

Appendix B
Alignment of project timeline

B.1. Project stage mapping

The following table provides a mapping between ISO project stages and CalConnect project stages. This document identifies stages according to the ISO project stage names.

Table B.1 — Alignment between ISO and CalConnect project stages

Identification in this documentISO harmonized stage (ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1)CalConnect stage
Preliminary 00 Preliminary00 Preliminary
Proposal 10 Proposal10 Proposal
Preparatory 20 Preparatory20 Preparatory
Committee 30 Committee30 Committee
Enquiry 40 Enquiry40 Enquiry
Approval 50 Approval50 Approval
Publication 60 Publication60 Publication
Review 90 Review90 Review
Withdrawal 95 Withdrawal95 Withdrawal

B.2. Track synchronization

ISO deliverables can be developed according to different tracks and timelines detailed in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement.

CalConnect deliverables are developed according to the timelines detailed in CC/DIR 10001.

For a project under this agreement, CalConnect agrees to adopt a developmental track not slower than the track selected in ISO to ensure the synchronicity between development outcome and publication.

Appendix C
Co-development process

C.1. General

In joint development, technical level support for the development of these standards is provided through the associated CalConnect TC as well as the ISO member bodies and their duly appointed technical experts through the relevant ISO TC.

Experts in ISO are encouraged to participate in the technical work on CalConnect technologies by participating in CalConnect technical committees.

C.2. First draft

A first draft of the standardization deliverable may be created for proposal submission, or may be created in the Committee stage. The draft shall be created through a collaboration process between experts from both organizations, or at least, the proposing organization should have received input from the other organization.

CalConnect agrees that any draft submitted to ISO shall adhere to the requirements detailed in CC/DIR 10002, ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 and applicable internal guidelines of ISO.

C.3. Disapproval and continuance

If the project proposal is rejected by the JCG, its output may still be developed by the project proposer if appropriate, and its output may still be proposed to the JCG for co-development in later stages.

At any time, if a ballot to approve the development of a joint work item is disapproved by ISO or CalConnect, each organization may proceed to develop the joint work item independently of each other.

C.4. Proposal development: Preliminary stage

C.4.1. General

At the first instance where either party wishes to co-develop a project with the other party, it should be raised to the JCG.

The JCG shall consult the stakeholders to determine appropriateness of the project and advise the proposer.

C.4.2. Initiation by CalConnect

CalConnect may propose to the appropriate ISO TC(s) to jointly develop a new or existing CalConnect standard to gain recognition as an ISO/CalConnect Standard.

C.4.3. Initiation by ISO TC

If an ISO TC wishes to initiate the joint development of a standard, the ISO TC secretariat shall contact the appropriate CalConnect TC to gauge mutual interest.

C.5. Proposal submission: Proposal stage

C.5.1. General

When the JCG determines interest within ISO to co-develop the proposed project, the project proposer should submit a proposal indicating its wish to co-develop the proposed project, to be approved by the relevant ISO and CalConnect TCs via ballot.

C.5.2. Initiation by CalConnect

CalConnect shall provide a NWIP in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement for the proposal of new work items.

In addition, the NWIP shall include:

  • rationale for using this process; and

  • justification of the need for an ISO/CalConnect International Standard.

C.5.3. Initiation by ISO TC

An ISO member shall submit a NWIP to the ISO TC for approval in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement.

Concurrently, the corresponding CalConnect TC will submit a project proposal to the CalConnect TCC, providing the relevant information for the project and a statement that the project is to be developed jointly with the relevant ISO TC.

C.5.4. Fast-track proposal at ISO

When the ISO NWIP is accompanied by an existing CalConnect standard, members of the ISO TC will be invited to approve its submission as a DIS.

NOTE  A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of participating ISO P-members is required for approval (ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement).

C.5.5. Approval of co-development

If both organizations approve the proposal for joint development, the project shall be adopted on both sides by a CalConnect TC and an ISO TC.

The JCG shall then create a joint project group to be the project owner of the proposed joint work item through the CalConnect TCC and the secretariat of the ISO TC, consisting of nominated experts from the relevant CalConnect and ISO TCs.

ISO and CalConnect will mutually agree on a Convener for the JPG.

This approved project shall be listed in the JCG register of co-developed projects.

C.6. Content development: Preparatory, Committee, Enquiry stages

C.6.1. General

The goal of these stages are to create an approved, balloted draft of the joint deliverable by both parties.

In these stages, members of the joint project group shall collaborate closely to ensure efficient and effective development of the deliverable of the respective stages. The deliverable shall be developed jointly by experts of both organizations.

C.6.2. Stage synchronization

The approval process at CalConnect and ISO shall be adhered to. CalConnect agrees to synchronize its project stage with the corresponding ISO project stage.


  • If a deliverable is approved by ballot at both ISO and CalConnect, CalConnect will advance the project stage at its project group accordingly.

  • If a deliverable is rejected by ballot at either party, CalConnect will not advance project stage at its project group, unless a re-ballot at ISO approves advancement of the deliverable.

  • In cases where a development stage is optional and skipped in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, CalConnect shall set the stage of its project at the corresponding stage.

C.6.3. Approval of a committee draft

Once consensus is reached within the JPG, the draft is circulated to the relevant ISO and CalConnect TCs for three-month comment.

The JPG prepares a compilation of comments received from both organizations and develops a revised draft.

C.6.4. Approval of a draft standard

Once consensus within the JPG is achieved, the draft is provided to ISO for DIS ballot and CalConnect for DS ballot.

Once balloting and approval at that stage, from both organizations, is completed, the JPG prepares the document for circulation by ISO for a two-month FDIS vote (according to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, unanimous approval in ISO during DIS ballot implies that a further FDIS ballot is not necessary).

In parallel, CalConnect submits the draft to the CalConnect TCC for FS ballot.

C.6.5. Approval for publication

The document is considered approved when:

Once the document has been approved by both ISO and CalConnect, the document is published as a joint ISO/CalConnect standard.

C.7. Pre-publication: Public review

A public review period of 60 days is required for the compliance to WTO TBT Agreements rules, for which both ISO and CalConnect adhere to.

A 60-day public review shall be held in the DIS stage of the ISO deliverable.

Comments to ISO shall be performed according to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement; comments to CalConnect shall be performed through CalConnect’s public review procedure.

The parties agree to synchronize the dates of review periods for the maximum benefit to the joint work item.

C.8. Publication

C.8.1. As a CalConnect Standard

After an ISO ballot on the acceptance of a joint work item as DIS, FDIS or IS, the joint work item will be published as a CalConnect Standard.

C.8.2. As an ISO/CalConnect Standard

After an ISO ballot on the acceptance of a joint work item’s status to proceed to IS from FDIS, the joint work item will be published by ISO and CalConnect as an ISO/CalConnect Standard.

C.9. Abandonment

A joint work item may be abandoned by one of the two parties if it sees it being inappropriate or is no longer interested or able to contribute to the joint work item. Each party is allowed to abandon the joint work, which at that point will become sole work of the other party.

A notice of such must be sent by the abandoning party to the JCG and distributed by both parties to its members.

The abandoning party, if the abandoned work is carried on by the other party, is required to explicitly agree that the copyright of such work is to be waived to the continuing party to allow publication of the document.

The rejoining an abandoned work item prior to publication, by the abandoning party, is explicitly allowed by this agreement, given a notice is filed at the JCG, unless in exceptional circumstances.

C.10. Additional collaborators

Parties may bring in additional collaborators under this agreement, given it is approved by the JCG, that the provisions of this agreement are fully satisfied by agreements present between all collaborators.

C.11. Notification

Notification of availability of new documents within CalConnect will be announced to the appropriate ISO TCs and CalConnect TCs.

C.12. Availability of working documents

Drafts and working documents are available according to each party’s normal practices.

Appendix D
Adoption process

D.1. General

ISO and CalConnect agree to a coordinated and specified process for the adoption of either party’s standardization work items, where:

  • CalConnect may wish to formally adopt a published ISO International Standard;

  • CalConnect may propose that an existing CalConnect standard be submitted as a final draft International Standard (FDIS) at ISO.

D.2. Adoption of an ISO Standard by CalConnect

CalConnect may wish to formally adopt a published ISO International Standard as described in Clause 4.8.2,

Such adoption shall be subject to an agreement between CalConnect and the ISO member body in the country where CalConnect has its legal seat (ANSI).

D.3. Adoption of a CalConnect Standard by ISO

D.3.1. General

As described in Clause 4.8.3, a CalConnect standard may be adopted by ISO.

The adoption of a CalConnect standard at ISO is through FDIS fast-track as described in this clause.

Adoption by ISO FDIS approval is intended to validate an existing CalConnect standard through ISO’s established member body approval mechanism.

D.3.2. Initiation by CalConnect

CalConnect may propose an existing CalConnect standard to be submitted as a final draft International Standard (FDIS) at ISO.

Such requests shall be submitted to the Secretary-General of ISO for acceptance.

The ISO Secretary-General shall then submit a proposal to the relevant ISO committee for a 30-day ballot which shall decide, by simple majority vote, on:

  1. the need for an ISO International Standard on the subject; and

  2. submission of the proposal for FDIS ballot.

D.3.3. Initiation by ISO

Any ISO TC may decide to invite, by simple majority vote, CalConnect to offer a particular CalConnect standard for adoption under this agreement, provided agreement has been obtained from CalConnect.

Where an ISO TC confirms the need for an ISO International Standard, but determines that the proposed CalConnect standard should not be submitted for FDIS ballot, CalConnect shall be consulted on its interest to proceed with the project jointly.

D.3.4. Approval

Requirements for acceptance shall be those pertaining to the FDIS approval stage in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement.

Upon acceptance by CalConnect and the relevant ISO TC, the CalConnect standard shall be circulated to ISO members for a five-month approval vote (to also allow for national public review and, where necessary, translation).

The adoption is considered approved once the FDIS ballot is approved.

The process described in Appendix C.8.2 also applies.

Appendix E
Maintenance of joint deliverables

E.1. General

The project groups in both organizations responsible for the published deliverable shall work in collaboration to address any corrections or necessary amendments.

The intention is to coordinate the initiation of revisions and to maintain, to the greatest extent possible, one common ISO/CalConnect Standard on a given subject.

When a joint deliverable is deemed to be updated, both parties agree that each other has the first right of refusal.

The revisions shall be published jointly as described in Appendix C.8.

E.2. Systematic review and outcome

Joint publications that have been published for four (4) years since their last approval date shall be reviewed in their entirety by the responsible JMG, as determined by the JCG.

A decision shall be made by both parties at the end of the review period, on whether to:

  1. confirm the standard, for which no change is necessary;

  2. revise, as a new joint work item; or

  3. withdraw the standard.

The decided action shall be initiated within five (5) years of the last approval date.

NOTE  The four (4) years review period provides a one (1) year timeframe for which a review decision can be made, in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement and CC/DIR 10001 where a maximum of five (5) years is allowed between reviews.

E.3. Participation

E.3.1. Agree to jointly maintain

When both the ISO TC and CalConnect agree to jointly revise the standard, a joint maintenance group (JMG) is established consisting of nominated experts from the relevant CalConnect and ISO TCs.

ISO and CalConnect mutually agree on a Convener for the MG.

E.3.2. Non-participation of ISO TC

If CalConnect initiates revision to the document and the relevant ISO TC decides not to participate in the revision process, ISO shall ensure that the ISO/CalConnect Standard is not revised until CalConnect has completed its revision.

Once the document has been revised, CalConnect may submit the document to ISO as a potential new Standard for FDIS fast-track approval to supercede the earlier ISO/CalConnect Standard.

Should the revised document not be submitted by CalConnect, or accepted by the relevant ISO Committee, the original ISO FDIS fast track Standard shall be withdrawn, unless otherwise agreed by both organizations.

E.3.3. Non-participation of CalConnect

If ISO initiates the revision and CalConnect decides not to participate in the process, then ISO may continue to revise the Standard.

However, any material used from the original ISO/CalConnect Standard will require a separate agreement with CalConnect.

E.4. Comment distribution

When a party receives formal comments on the joint work item, it shall share it with the other party within 2 weeks of receiving them, documented and distributed through the JCG.

E.5. Withdrawal

When a review determines that a joint published item should be withdrawn, both parties agree that the item to be indicated as withdrawn.

E.6. Revision of deliverables

E.6.1. Initiation of revision process

Revisions to joint publications can be proposed to the relevant CalConnect or ISO TC at any time by members of CalConnect or the ISO TC.

E.6.2. Amendments and full revisions

Amendments and full revisions of a joint deliverable are considered joint new work items, and shall be developed in accordance with the procedures in Appendix C.

E.6.3. Corrections

Corrections, such as technical corrigenda, of an ISO/CalConnect standard, shall be jointly developed by the appropriate ISO TC and CalConnect TC in accordance with each organizations’ internal procedures.

E.7. Maintenance agency and registration authority

E.8. General

Both organizations recognize that a maintenance agency or registration authority is required for the successful implementation of certain standardization deliverables resulting from this agreement.

E.9. Default volunteer role

For standards developed under this agreement, CalConnect volunteers to serve as their maintenance agency or registration authority as necessary.

CalConnect shall submit a suitable application to ISO once a NWIP requiring establishment of a maintenance agency or registration authority for a joint work item is approved.

Appendix F
Deliverable requirements

F.1. Document layout

CalConnect and ISO will establish a consistent layout, including associated supporting information (e.g. foreword, introduction), for joint publications.

F.3. Patent statement

A suitable patent statement in accordance with the ISO patent policy and the CalConnect patent policy shall be stated in the foreword of the document.

F.4. Publication dates

The edition year and the year of publishing of a joint deliverable shall be identical in the ISO and CalConnect deliverables.

F.5. Cover page

In ISO and CalConnect publications of the joint publication, as well as any further adoptions, shall retain the logographic marks of both organizations.

The joint publication shall also provide a single document identifier on the cover page.

F.6. Introduction part

The introduction shall state that it is a joint work product between ISO and CalConnect.

F.7. Document identifier and references

ISO publications published through joint publication under this agreement will be referenced with the following prefixes:

  • “ISO/CC” in ISO documents

  • “CC/ISO” in CalConnect documents

In case that a joint publication is performed under ISO/IEC JTC 1, the resulting prefixes are:

  • “ISO/IEC/CC” in ISO and IEC documents;

  • “CC/ISO/IEC” in CalConnect documents

References shall contain sufficient information for those wishing to obtain the equivalent documents of the other party to be able to do so.


In the document identifier “ISO/CC 18001:2018”, “ISO/CC” is the prefix, “18001” the project code, and “2018” the edition date.


In the document identifier “ISO/IEC/CC 28001:2018”, “ISO/IEC/CC” is the prefix, “28001” the project code, and “2018” the edition date.

F.8. Project code

A mutually acceptable number will be used for the project code, with the goal of achieving identical deliverable numbers in ISO and CalConnect to prevent potential ambiguity.

ISO and CalConnect shall also give consideration to any previous numbering used by ISO or CalConnect to determine the number designation for the Standards developed in accordance with this agreement.

F.9. Editorial work

ISO and CalConnect will perform final editorial/production work on the joint work item with approval of the final proof by both parties prior to ISO publication.

CalConnect and ISO will not charge each other for any editing or production work undertaken in development of the final ISO/CalConnect Standard.


[1]  WTO TBT Agreements, World Trade Organization, The WTO Agreements Series Technical Barriers to Trade