
CalConnect Directive

CC/DIR 10001:2019
CalConnect Directive: Standardization and publication
CalConnect Directive




The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium (“CalConnect”) is a global non-profit organization with the aim to facilitate interoperability of collaborative technologies and tools through open standards.

CalConnect works closely with international and regional partners, of which the full list is available on our website (

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the CalConnect Directives.

In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of CalConnect documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the CalConnect Directives.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CalConnect shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be provided in the Introduction.

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.

This document was prepared by Technical Committee PUBLISH.

This document, together with CC 10002 “CalConnect Directives — Standard document requirements”, replaces the following documents:


CalConnect is committed in expanding the realm of open collaboration standards across the globe and across communities of practice.

To facilitate its mission, the CalConnect Board of Directors has decided to align standardization and publication processes with international best practices, such as the ISO standardization process, and the WTO TBT Principles. This document aims to achieve the said intention.

The document describes the CalConnect standardization process, from conception, IPR policy, TC establishment, collaboration policies (liaisons), to the publishing of work items.

Processes described in this document contain parts that relate to all CalConnect technical committees and the TCC, which carries responsibility of implementing these processes.

CalConnect Directive: Standardization and publication

1.  Scope

This document formalizes the standardization and publication processes of CalConnect.

Specifically, it describes the processes and requirements for the standardization and publication of the following document types produced by CalConnect, including:


normative document that provides requirements for internal CalConnect processes


normative document that provide requirements, specifications or guidelines for the public


informative internal document for CalConnect technical committees


informative specification for the public


informative internal or public report


normative document that amend a published CalConnect document

Technical corrigendum

document that describes a minor amendment of a published CalConnect document, that does not affect the overall validity of the original document

This document does not apply to the following types of documents produced by CalConnect, although processes described in this document can be optionally used as guidance for rigor:

2.  Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

WTO TBT Principles, ,Annex 2: Decision of the Committee on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations with relation to Articles 2, 5 and Annex 3 of the Agreement; Decisions and recommendations adopted by the TBT Committee since 1 January 1995: Annexes to Part 1; _WTO Agreements Series: Technical Barriers to Trade, World Trade Organization

3.  Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1. Terms and definitions


standardization project

an organized process with one or more standardization work items (Clause 3.1.2) that contributes towards a defined scope of work


standardization work item

publishable document (Clause 3.1.4) that relates to standardization


project owner

entity with authority in charge of a standardization project (Clause 3.1.1)



written output


CalConnect deliverable

document (Clause 3.1.4) that could be a CalConnect Standard, Guide, Specification, Report


ISO TC deliverable

document (Clause 3.1.4) of an ISO TC as described in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1

Note 1 to entry: According to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, ISO TC deliverables include the following types: International Standards, Technical Specifications, Publicly Available Specifications and Technical Reports.


CalConnect technical committee

CalConnect TC

internal committee of CalConnect tasked with a scope of work it is responsible for


document stage

stage of document as specified in the ISO harmonized stages (as defined in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement)


standardization project output

output of a standardization project (Clause 3.1.1)

Note 1 to entry: In this document, it explicitly means any documents and IP rights produced by the standardization project.


standardization body

standards-developing organization


entity that publishes standardization work items (Clause 3.1.2)


proposal for standardization

proposal for a new work item for standardization



collaborative development

act of developing a work item by multiple parties from the proposal stage



collaborative publishing

act of publishing documents (Clause 3.1.4) of identical content by multiple parties


joint work item

work item co-developed (Clause 3.1.12) by both parties


joint publication

publication that is co-published (Clause 3.1.13) by CalConnect with an external standardization body (Clause 3.1.10)

Note 1 to entry: Both parties may jointly hold copyright of the joint publication.


Joint Coordination Group


advisory group with representatives from CalConnect and an external standardization body (Clause 3.1.10) on the execution and maintenance of a co-publishing (Clause 3.1.13) agreement


co-development document register

document register of a list of co-developed (Clause 3.1.12) documents (Clause 3.1.4) developed under this agreement, held by the corresponding Joint Coordination Group (Clause 3.1.16)


CalConnect Board of Directors

persons serving as a Board Director for and with a statutory obligation to CalConnect


CalConnect Document Repository

designated repository used to store CalConnect documents

3.2. Abbreviations


Intellectual Property Rights


Technical Coordination Committee

4.  Authority

4.1. General

TC PUBLISH is responsible for developing the corresponding processes and tools, while the TCC for their employment.


TC PUBLISH is responsible for:

  • policy development: providing recommendations to the Board of Directors and the TCC on the CalConnect standardization and publication processes;

  • policy establishment: developing and supporting process documents, including:

    • this document; and

    • CalConnect publication requirements; and

  • maintenance: periodic review and perform amendments necessary to support the processes and requirements established in this document.

4.3. TCC

The TCC is responsible for:

  • execution: faithful execution and maintenance of the CalConnect standardization process;

  • enforcement: enforcing CalConnect publication requirements on the publication of CalConnect deliverables;

  • mediation: raising issues and problems encountered concerning the processes and procedures described in this document to TC PUBLISH for further consideration; and

  • coordination: supporting liaisons between CalConnect technical committees and project teams with corresponding parties of external standardization bodies.

5.  Document types

All documents must have at least one document type, or category. A document may appear in more than one category, if appropriate.

5.1. Directive

Internal, normative documents approved by the CalConnect Board of Directors, developed by TC PUBLISH, that provides requirements for internal CalConnect processes.

5.2. Standard

Normative documents created through the CalConnect standardization process that provide requirements, specifications or guidelines for the public.

Requirements in standards shall be based on objective performance rather than based on descriptive characteristics.

5.3. Guide

Informative, internal documents that describe guidelines for the work of CalConnect technical committees.

Often a document discussing problems or issues and making suggestions for action.

5.4. Specification

Informative specifications for the public.

It could be an experimental specification intended for research and exploration, such as to encourage trial implementations, to determine its usefulness and applicability.

A published Specification deemed successful would be candidates for progression towards a Standard.

5.5. Amendment

Normative documents that amend a published CalConnect document, such as a Standard.

5.6. Technical corrigendum

Document that describes a minor amendment of a published CalConnect document, that does not affect the overall validity of the original document.

Could be a normative or informative document for public or internal consumption.

5.7. Reports

Informative document, reporting on an event or presenting findings of a study or research effort, which may reach conclusions but does not contain suggestions for action, except incidentally.

Intended for internal or public consumption.


A report on a CalConnect conference.

5.8. Administrative

A document type for meeting minutes, proposals to committees, policy documents, and other material, generally of an internal nature.

6.  Standardization process

6.1. General

Every CalConnect deliverable starts as a project.

A CalConnect project goes through the following processes:

  • starts with a proposal;

  • the proposal is given to the approving entity for enactment;

  • assigns a committee as project owner once the project is approved;

  • the committee creates one or more working drafts from the proposal;

  • the committee decides to endorse a committee draft;

  • the approved committee draft becomes a standards draft

  • the draft standard is given to the approving entity for endorsement;

  • the draft standard is approved for publication as a standard.

6.2. Project stages

The following table provides a mapping between CalConnect project stages and ISO project stages. This document identifies stages according to the CalConnect project stage names.

Table 1 — Alignment between ISO and CalConnect project stages

Stage identifierCalConnect stageISO harmonized stage (ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1)CalConnect deliverableISO deliverable
Preliminary 00 Preliminary00 PreliminaryPWIPWI
Proposal 10 Proposal10 ProposalNWIPNWIP
Preparatory 20 Preparatory20 PreparatoryWDWD
Committee 30 Committee30 CommitteeCDCD
Enquiry 40 Enquiry40 EnquiryDSDIS
Approval 50 Approval50 ApprovalFDSFDIS
Publication 60 Publication60 PublicationCSIS
Review 90 Review90 Review
Withdrawal 95 Withdrawal95 Withdrawal

6.3. Project track

There is only one project track in CalConnect as considered by the TCC.

6.3.1. Co-development guidelines

For projects under co-development agreements, CalConnect agrees to adopt a developmental track not slower than a corresponding track selected by the external standardization body to ensure synchronicity between development outcome and publication.

6.4. Project ownership

6.4.1. General

All CalConnect non-administrative documents must be owned by a single Technical Committee (the “owning” Technical Committee) even if two or more TCs participate in the work of developing the document.

6.4.2. Transition of ownership on TC retirement

When a TC completes its scope of work and is shut down, the ownership of its documents moves to the TCC.

TCC may retain ownership of a document once assigned to it, or it may assign the document to a different or new Technical Committee, generally if follow-on work or maintenance is required on the document.

6.5. Project membership

6.5.1. General

The owning TC is responsible for maintaining expert membership of a project group.

CalConnect members are allowed to nominate experts to the project group with approval of the owning TC.

At least one person, at most two, serves as project leader, as decided by the owning TC.

The project leader(s) shall assume project editorship unless that activity is specifically assigned to another individual.

6.5.2. External members

Individuals who are not members of CalConnect are only allowed to participate in a project unless specifically authorized by the project owning TC, in consultation with the project leader, and approved by the TCC.

6.5.3. Co-development guidelines

Parties may bring in additional collaborators given approval by the corresponding JCG, that the provisions of this agreement are fully satisfied by agreements present between all collaborators.

6.6. Project stages

6.6.1. Preliminary stage Initiation methods

A standardization project can be initiated in one of the following ways:

  1. a project defined as part of the charter process of a TC;

  2. a TC decides to create a new project as an addition to its program of work;

  3. the TCC or the Board of Directors decides that a project should be initiated and assigns it to a Technical Committee. Initiation requirements

When a project is initiated, the following items must be defined by the proposer as part of the proposal to the TCC:

  1. scope

  2. target audience

  3. relevant regulatory or market needs (as feasible and appropriate) (this satisfies WTO TBT Principles, Clause 4.a)

  4. current scientific and technological developments (this satisfies WTO TBT Principles, Clause 4.a)

  5. schedule for development and publication

  6. proposer, project leader

All documents other than administrative documents must have an editor or editors who are members of the Technical Committee(s) developing the document. Confirmation

Once a project is confirmed initiation:

  1. the project shall be assigned a project number as decided by the TCC;

  2. the project’s name and stage shall be listed in the project registry (this satisfies WTO TBT Principles, Clause 1.a); and

  3. the project will be announced by the TCC to all members with a brief description of its scope (including objective and rationale) at an early enough stage that facilitates amendments and comments (this satisfies WTO TBT Principles, Clause 1.b).

NOTE  This document supports the creation of a project registry. First draft

A first draft of the standardization deliverable may be created for proposal submission, or may be created in the Committee stage.

Disclaimers and necessary statements such as relating to IPR and copyright shall be placed in an obvious place in the draft. Co-development guidelines

The draft shall be created through a collaboration process between experts from both organizations, or at least, the proposing organization should have received input from the other organization.

At the first instance where a CalConnect project wishes to co-develop with an external standardization body, it should be raised to the TCC. The JCG shall consult the stakeholders to determine appropriateness of the project and advise the proposer.

If the project is rejected by the TCC, its output may still be developed within CalConnect if it is appropriate, and its output may still be proposed to the TCC for co-development in later stages.

6.6.2. Proposal stage

When the TCC determines interest within CalConnect to develop the proposed project, the project initiator should submit a proposal to the TCC for ballot indicating its wish to develop the proposed project.

If accepted, the project shall be adopted by a CalConnect TC. Members of the project group shall be represented by experts. This project shall then be listed in the TCC register of projects.

If rejected, its output may still be developed by one or more members of CalConnect if appropriate, and the resulting output may still be proposed to the TCC for development in later stages.

A “Report” document type shall be published upon a successful ballot of two-thirds approval at this stage. Co-development guidelines

The TCC should also consider JCGs whether a proposal is suitable to be co-developed with existing liaison organizations or external standardization bodies.

The TCC may suggest the project group to co-develop the project under one or more JCGs.

6.6.3. Preparatory stage

This is an optional stage.

The goal of the preparatory stage is to create a “working draft” of the deliverable approved by the project group within the TC.

Once the project team decides the working draft has advanced to being a “committee draft” or a “draft standard”, this stage ends.

There is no ballot at this stage.

6.6.4. Committee stage

This is an optional stage.

The goal of the committee stage is to create a “committee draft” of the deliverable approved by the TC.

The owning TC distributes the committee draft and may select a 8-week or 10-week comment period for TC members to comment.

Within 4 weeks of completion of the comment period, the owning TC shall distribute all formal comments received during ballot to TC members.

Given the results of comments, the Chair of the TC, considering TC consensus, in consultation with the project leader (if necessary), shall decide on the below outcomes:

  1. to prepare and circulate a revised committee draft for consideration; or

  2. to register the committee draft for the enquiry stage.

In case TC consensus is unclear from the results, a ballot (Clause 6.8) can be launched to determine consensus for stage advancement.

A “Specification” document type shall be published upon advancement to the enquiry stage.

6.6.5. Enquiry stage

The goal of the enquiry stage is to create a “draft standard” of the deliverable approved by the TC.

The public review period (Clause 7) shall be started within 4 weeks of entering this stage.

Once the owning TC deems a document under development to be ready for publication, the Chair of the owning TC shall arrange for an official ballot (Clause 6.8) amongst TC members. “No” votes must be accompanied with technical reasons.

If no “No” votes were registered in the DIS ballot, the project is deemed to have unanimous support. It shall be fast-tracked towards the Approval stage for TCC ballot.

If the ballot was successful but at least one “No” vote has been received, the project is advanced to Approval stage.

If the ballot failed, the Chair of the owning TC, in consultation with the project leader to decide whether to prepare and circulate a revised draft standard for re-balloting. Co-development guidelines

In these stages, members of the project groups within CalConnect and the external standardization body shall collaborate closely to ensure efficient and effective development of the deliverable of the respective stages. The deliverable shall be developed jointly by experts of the collaborating organizations.

The project stages of the collaborating organizations shall be synchronized correspondingly.


  • If a deliverable is approved by ballot at an ISO TC, CalConnect will advance the project stage at its project group accordingly.

  • If a deliverable is rejected by ballot at an ISO TC, CalConnect will not advance project stage at its project group, unless the ISO TC re-ballot approves advancement of the deliverable.

  • In cases where a development stage is optional and skipped in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, CalConnect shall set the stage of its project at the corresponding stage.

6.6.6. Approval stage

The goal of the approval stage is to create a “final draft standard” of the deliverable approved by the CalConnect membership.

The public review period (Clause 7) shall be started within 4 weeks of entering this stage, unless the document has already been reviewed publicly at the Enquiry stage (Clause 6.6.5).

A “last call” for formal comments shall be issued by the Chair of the owning TC to both TCC and to the full CalConnect mailing list of 8 weeks.

The formal commenting process is described in detail at Clause 8.2.

After the close of the commenting period, the Chair of TCC shall distribute the comments to the CalConnect membership within 4 weeks of the close, and conduct a 8-week ballot (Clause 6.8) of TCC members for a vote to approve publication.

All TCC members are required to vote in this ballot. A TCC member that did not vote in the TCC poll is considered to have violated membership terms of the TCC, and has a 3-week period to rectify.

“No” votes from a TCC member must be accompanied with constructive comments.

If the ballot was successful, the project is deemed to be ready for publication and is advanced to the publication stage.

If the ballot failed, the Chair of the owning TC, in consultation with the project leader to decide whether to prepare and circulate a revised final draft standard for re-balloting.

6.6.7. Draft development stages (Preparatory, Committee and Enquiry stages)

  1. Each new draft version of the document as it is developed shall be posted by the editor(s) on the CalConnect Document Repository. A version is defined as a checkpoint where the developers want review from individuals other than active contributors, typically at the end of a development stage when the draft is a candidate for ballot.

  2. The availability of each new draft version shall be announced to all TCs and as appropriately, to external liaison or partner working groups (this satisfies WTO TBT Principles, Clause 1.c).

  3. A draft version may be announced to the calconnect-l mailing list if CalConnect-wide membership comment is requested (this satisfies WTO TBT Principles, Clause 1.c).

  4. A draft version may be posted for external review and comments upon approval by TCC (see Clause 7). This is normally be done at the Enquiry and Approval stages, where the draft is considered more mature for appropriate external input.

  5. Once initial approval is given by TCC, a draft may be posted for external review and comment multiple times.

In every of the development stages, resolution of all outstanding comments is required to proceed towards ballot.

6.6.8. Pre-publication stages (Enquiry and Approval stages)

Once a “draft standard” or a “final draft standard” is approved towards publication, a public review period ensues.

The public review process is described in Clause 7.

6.6.9. Publication stage Distribution

Once TCC approves a document for publication, the Chair of the owning TC shall forward the final draft standard to the Executive Director of the Consortium for publication.

A standard designated for public access will be distributed on the CalConnect document register (this satisfies WTO TBT Principles, Clause 1.e).

Internal documents are made available only to members of CalConnect via the members area of the CalConnect website, and are registered in the CalConnect Internal Document Register.

For a co-published document, the following procedures apply:

  • For an ISO/CC dual-logo standard, after an ISO ballot on the acceptance of a joint work item as DIS, FDIS or IS, the joint work item will be published as a CalConnect Standard. Statement changes

The “boilerplate” statements of IP, appropriate usage and disclaimer will be changed to the external (public) statement. Registration at the public document register

The name, category, version and project number of the deliverable shall be registered in the CalConnect Public Document Register.

6.7. Abandonment

6.7.1. Co-development guidelines

A joint work item may be abandoned by one of the two parties if it sees it being inappropriate or is no longer interested or able to contribute to the joint work item. Each party is allowed to abandon the joint work, which at that point will become sole work of the other party.

A notice of such must be sent by the abandoning party to the JCG and distributed by both parties to its members.

The abandoning party, if the abandoned work is carried on by the other party, is required to explicitly agree that the copyright of such work is to be waived to the other party to allow publication of the document.

If the abandons party wishes to rejoin an abandoned work item, it is agreed in this agreement that it is allowed, given a notice is filed at the JCG, unless in exceptional circumstances.

6.8. Balloting

A ballot is launched upon gauging consensus within a group (TC, TCC or amongst all members).

In each ballot, a member is allocated three options:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Abstain

A “No” vote must be accompanied by constructive comments. “Abstain” votes are not counted against the outcome.

Consensus is considered to have been reached when there are two-thirds of “Yes” votes.

6.9. Availability of working documents

Drafts and working documents are available according to each party’s normal practices.

6.10. Promotional activities in co-developed projects

Promotional programs will be shared between {collaborative-iso-tc} and CalConnect for the purpose of coordinating marketing activities via the JCG.

6.11. External progression

In some cases, CalConnect deliverables are sent to be progressed at another standards body:

  • upon completion of the Approval stage, a CalConnect document may be sent immediately to an external standardization body for progression to become a standard; and

  • if a published CalConnect document is subsequently decided to be forwarded to another standards body for progression.

In these situations, the CalConnect document shall be accompanied by a link at the CalConnect website, that provides the document at the target standards body, completely with document number, title, etc. given by that standards body.

It is anticipated that such documents will be progressed and modified according to the processes of the recipient standards body. CalConnect shall attempt to ensure that the link remains valid, and if possible for the most current version of the document.

6.12. Document requirements

Requirements of a CalConnect document are stated in CC/DIR 10002.

7.  Public review process

7.1. General

A public review period of 60 days is required for compliance to WTO TBT Principles, Clause 1.d, which CalConnect adheres to.

7.2. Timing

A 60-day public review shall be held in the DIS or FDIS stages of the standardization deliverable.

Under co-development, the public review shall be held on the first instance of reaching the DIS stage:

The co-development parties shall agree to synchronization of the dates of review periods for the maximum benefit to the joint work item.

7.3. Informal comments via public review mailing list

Informal comments can be solicited from and posted to the CalConnect public review mailing list.

This list is open to subscription by any interested parties, but subscription will be subject to approval by the list moderator and the list will be continuously moderated.

The Charter and Rules of Use for the list include:

  1. It is the responsibility of all participants on the list to ensure that their comments adhere to the CalConnect Intellectual Property Rights policy with respect to contributions.

  2. While all participants on this list are free to contribute suggestions and comments, the actual process of development and revision of any CalConnect Document must be made by the Technical Committees developing the document, and by members of the Consortium.

Participants on the public review mailing list may offer comments not only upon documents currently posted for review and comment, but upon published documents of the Consortium.

The TCC committee has overall control of the public review list and process including what documents may be posted, the duration of postings, etc.

For details of handling informal comments, see Clause 8.3.

7.4. Formal comments via dedicated site

Formal comments have to be submitted via the CalConnect commenting site.

In a public review process where formal comments are received:

  • the full list of formal comments are only viewable by CalConnect members;

  • formal comments from non-CalConnect members should be addressed and communicated to the commenter individually.

For details of handling formal comments, see Clause 8.2.

7.5. Announcement channels

When a draft document is made available for public review, it shall be announced:

  • on the public review page and on the CalConnect home page;

  • on the public review mailing list; and

  • on the general calconnect mailing list.

7.5.1. Eligibility

  1. At the request of the Chair of the owning TC and upon approval of TCC, any draft intended for publication is eligible for posting to the Clause 7.5.

  2. A document or section of a document may be posted for public review and comment at any point within its development but generally it should be well-formed and close to final draft before such posting.

  3. If a section of a larger document is posted to the public review list, the context of the section must be made clear so that relevant comments can be made.

  4. When a document previously posted for public review is finally published, a notification of the fact will be posted to the public review list along with any title changes.

7.5.2. TC responsibilities

  1. Since posting a document for public review and comment invites non- Consortium individuals to participate, the owning TC is responsible for monitoring comments on the public review list and acting upon them as appropriate.

  2. Since any participant on the public review list may comment upon any published document at any time, the list moderator will monitor the list for comments on such documents and bring those comments to the attention of TCC.


8.1. General

The commenting process is managed by the TCC. The TCC is responsible for operating the CalConnect dedicated commenting site and the distribution of formal comments.

8.2. Formal comments

Formal comments are binding comments where the project team whose work is being commented on must respond to.

These comments received are considered “open comments”, meaning that these comments will be published to the CalConnect membership.

Formal comments shall be submitted via a designated site in a structured format, where comments submitted are not re-distributed (reflected) to other commenters. This is to prevent submitted comments from influencing other potential commenters that have not yet commented.

Formal comments on a standardization deliverable shall be shared with the owning TC within 2 weeks of receiving them.

8.3. Informal comments

These comments do not require a response from the project team whose work is being commented on.

8.4. Resolution of comments

Comments and feedback on standardization work items shall be considered impartially and judged purely according to their technical contributions to the work item.

9.  Corrections and amendments

Corrections and amendments to standardization documents are considered projects themselves, and should be handled as described in Clause 6.

10.  Intellectual property rights

10.1. Free of restrictions

Text of all working documents as well as co-developed/co-published deliverables will remain free of IPR restrictions that would limit their application.

10.3. Member-sourced documents

Authors of CalConnect deliverables grant CalConnect a world-wide, non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable license (except for the submission and adoption by other standardization bodies), to use contents of submitted documents to CalConnect, for the development and publishing of the deliverables.

10.4. Patented content

Patented content in a standard will be governed by the CalConnect IPR policy.

Any patents involved knowingly in a CalConnect deliverable must be made transparent prior to the DIS stage.

11.  Maintenance of deliverables

11.1. Review period

The review period of a standardization deliverable is 5 years.

The review shall be performed by the owning TC, if it has been disbanded, the TCC.

11.2. Updates

When a document is deemed to be updated, the owning TC shall take action to either begin the review period in order to update the document, or begin a new project to produce an amendment.

When a document is revised, any changes (as opposed to editorial corrections) should result in the document going through the same review process originally used for its publication.

A summary of changes from the previous edition should be provided at the end of the Foreword.

11.3. New versions

A document once published may undergo revision and become a new version or dot release (i.e. V1-V2 or V2.0-V2.1) under several circumstances.

11.4. Withdrawal

When a review determines that a published item should be withdrawn, it should be withdrawn from the list of published standards.

12.  Maintenance agency and registration authority

12.1. General

CalConnect recognizes that a maintenance agency or registration authority is required for the successful implementation of certain standardization deliverables.

12.2. Default volunteer role

The TCC shall serve as the maintenance agency or registration authority for CalConnect standardization deliverables as necessary.


[1]  WTO Technical Barriers To Trade Agreements, World Trade Organization, The WTO Agreements Series Technical Barriers to Trade

[2]  CC/DIR 10002, CalConnect Directive: Standard document requirements

[3]  ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Procedures for the technical work

[4]  ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, Procedures specific to ISO